不動の人気を誇るRush Hourの創設者AntalがCaptain Vinylと夢の共演!!
TIME 23:00~
ADDRESS 東京都港区南青山3-8-19 B1F

Rush Hour boss Antal is simply
one of the most superb DJs on the planet.

Line-up /
Antal (Rush Hour)
Knock (Sound Of Vast / Kewl)
Genki Tanaka (Candy Boys / GOLDENTIME)
Toji Morimoto (SABO)
Philippe Ochsner
不動の人気を誇るRush Hourの創設者AntalがCaptain Vinylと夢の共演!! 
名門レーベル/レコード店Rush Hourを率いて早20年、Rainbow Disco ClubでもおなじみのAntalがVENTに帰ってくる。なんと今回は日本代表のヴァイナルディガーズ、Captain Vinylとの夢の共演が11月30日に実現!
定番の名曲から、知る人ぞ知るレア・グルーヴ、ディスコ、アシッド、デトロイトテクノまで、ハイセンスに選び抜かれた幅広い音楽を巧みに紡ぐスキルと、挑戦を恐れずに道無き道を行く開拓精神を持つ世界屈指のディガーAntal。HuneeやSan Proper等とRush Hour Allstarsとして参加したRainbow Disco Clubでのパフォーマンスは毎年好評で、自身が運営するRush Hourとともにここ日本でも不動の人気を誇っている。
日本が誇るハウスレジェンド、DJ NORIと、世界屈指のディガー、MUROの二人が結成したCaptain Vinylは、彼らの膨大なレコードコレクションの中から7インチのレコードを中心に、ソウル、ディスコ、ガラージ・クラシックス、ハウスに限らず、和モノやポップスなども飛び出すジャンルに縛られない自由なセレクトで、日本各地のパーティークラウドを熱狂させてきた。
Founder of the ever popular Rush Hour label and and Captain Vinyl are set to perform together in a dream match up, at VENT on November 30th!
It’s hard to believe legendary label and record shop Rush Hour has been around for 20 years already! And now, founder Antal, who needs no introduction to those who’ve attended Rainbow Disco Club, will be returning to VENT! This time around, Antal will be performing side by side with vinyl digging unit representing Japan, Captain Vinyl for a dreamlike matchup at VENT on November 30th!
From the classics to the more obscure rare grooves, Antal skillfully selects tracks from a plethora of genres, which include Disco, Acid, and Detroit Techno, and masterfully weaves a musical journey that dares to traverse uncharted sonic territory. Antal’s highly acclaimed performance as a part of Rush Hour All Stars alongside Hunee and San Proper at Rainbow Disco Club every year has given him a certain degree of popularity here in Japan that almost rivals the notoriety of his label Rush Hour.
On the local front, Antal will be joined by Captain Vinyl, which is comprised of local House legend DJ NORI and one of the world’s foremost crate diggers, the one and only MURO. Both boast extensive vinyl libraries and this night’s set will focus on their 7 inch collections; spinning a range of tracks from Soul to Disco, Garage to House, as well as a many other genres like classic Japanese tracks and Pop music. They will freely and expertly select and blend a massive range of tracks to get the dance floor in a complete frenzy!
Big time crate diggers from Europe and Japan will converge on our humble house of music to drop one unforgettable party! There is no doubt that you will be opened up to many a new sounds, so don’t miss out on this epic night of digging through the crates!